
CSR Charter - Futurlog

1. Our Commitment


From its inception, FUTURLOG has laid the foundation of its social responsibility: a shareholder structure wholly owned by its employees, focused on sustainability, promoting a long-term perspective, collegiate governance, and sustained commitment to economic and social development.

FUTURLOG’s CSR approach is based on strategic pillars defined around three main axes:

  1. Practicing ethics on a daily basis
  2. Fully assuming our responsibility as an employer
  3. Minimizing the environmental impact of our operations to the maximum extent possible

This orientation embeds FUTURLOG’s actions in a virtuous circle, giving meaning to our activities:

  • Anticipating constraints and preventing social, legal, and environmental risks as well as image challenges
  • Strengthening internal belonging and increasing the company’s attractiveness in terms of recruitment
  • Consolidating the reputation and loyalty of stakeholders
  • Improving economic performance through innovation
  • Reducing costs related to resource consumption and waste production

The implementation of these commitments, as outlined in FUTURLOG’s CSR charter, relies on the actions of all Futurlog employees as well as those of our subcontractors. They are structured around projects related to the following themes:

  • Ethics
  • Anti-corruption codes,
  • Environmental projects
  • Responsible purchasing charter
  • Human resources management

2. Practicing Ethics on a Daily Basis


Acting with Ethics

FUTURLOG gives top priority to ensuring its activities comply with current laws and regulations, while also relying on industry best practices. Every staff member is trained to recognize risks related to corruption and illegal practices.

A preventive strategy against fraud is deployed to deter any attempts.

This commitment to ethics enables FUTURLOG to guard against reputation risks and sanctions, thereby ensuring the security of its development plan.


Ensuring Customer Interests Are Respected

At the heart of FUTURLOG’s philosophy lies its role as a service provider. The expectations and needs of its customers guide all decisions made within the group. Ensuring the quality of services rendered remains a constant priority for FUTURLOG teams.


Promoting Sustainable Purchasing

Purchases made by FUTURLOG are guided by principles of fairness, transparency, and compliance with regulatory standards. By embracing sustainability, FUTURLOG fosters long-term relationships and local purchases. Whenever possible, prioritizing small suppliers is part of this approach.


3. Fully Assuming Our Responsibility as an Employer


Diversity and Equal Opportunities

FUTURLOG is firmly committed to promoting diversity and eliminating all forms of discrimination in hiring, compensation, and career advancement processes. No form of discrimination based on origin, nationality, religion, race, gender, or age is tolerated in hiring, compensation, or career advancement processes.


Skills Development and Employability

The significant evolution of customer needs in the field of logistics and goods transportation in e-commerce and retail, as well as digital transition, make employability and skills development a major priority for FUTURLOG.

Training is an essential pillar of the corporate culture at FUTURLOG. Every employee, at all levels, is encouraged to enhance their knowledge and skills.

Preferring learning through practice, the company offers its employees training programs tailored to each sector of the company’s activities.


Fair Remuneration

FUTURLOG adopts a clear, stimulating remuneration and benefits policy aligned with industry standards.


Employee Shareholding

All employees have the opportunity, through BSPCE (Creator Company Subscription Warrants), to acquire shares in the company. This way, all employees have the opportunity to become shareholders of the company.


Cohesion and Conviviality

FUTURLOG promotes internal cohesion by facilitating open social dialogue and encouragement.

Initiatives aimed at creating a friendly environment are strongly encouraged.

Social events such as evenings or seminars, both general and thematic, are regularly organized to allow employees to gather. This also greatly contributes to strengthening internal cohesion and integrating new recruits.


Investing in Youth for the Future

At FUTURLOG, we consider youth as a fundamental pillar of our future. That’s why we are committed to supporting the integration of young people into the professional world through apprenticeship programs and internships.


4. Minimizing the Environmental Impact of Our Operations


Optimization of Water and Energy Resources

FUTURLOG is actively committed to controlling its water and energy consumption. The company focuses on renewing operational infrastructures by favoring logistics partnerships with providers with an environmental approach, notably with buildings compliant with HQE standards.


Reducing Carbon Footprint

FUTURLOG is committed to reducing the carbon footprint of its activities by acting in three ways:

  • Minimizing environmental impacts at constant quality and cost
  • Measuring the carbon footprint and clearly and comprehensively reporting it to its customers
  • Offering customers solutions with lower impacts but requiring decisions on their part due to cost and quality impact

Responsible Procurement

FUTURLOG will favor partnerships with work assistance centers (ESAT) which allow people with disabilities to work in a professional setting with adapted support.

As far as possible, that is to say at a comparable level of quality and cost, FUTURLOG will favor the purchase of its packaging from partners adopting practices aligned with sustainable development and providing eco-responsible packaging. The goal is for all our partners and suppliers to:

  • Respect environmental standards governing their sector,
  • Gradually improve their practices to reduce their environmental impact,
  • Integrate environmental criteria into the design of their products and services,
  • Guarantee the protection and safety of their employees,
  • Encourage professional development and ban any form of discrimination in the workplace.

More generally, we will encourage our suppliers to adopt a CSR charter, and failing that, we will require them to sign a commitment to improve their practices in this area.


5. Monitoring and Application of the CSR Charter



The monitoring of our CSR commitments is ensured by an CSR team within the company. Results are communicated internally and externally through an annual CSR report.


Application of the Charter

This Charter is binding for all employees of companies within FUTURLOG.

Each individual is required to adopt exemplary behavior within their company and to scrupulously respect the rules outlined in the CSR Charter.

In case of questions regarding its application or interpretation, each employee is encouraged to consult their hierarchical superior or the CSR team for clarification.


Luc de Murard, CEO

Célia Chourrout, CSR Manager