Choosing the right logistics partner
Transportation and logistics play an increasingly important and dominant role for e-commerce businesses, which must excel to ensure customer satisfaction. Although it may seem simple, logistical complexity can quickly become a major obstacle, making logistics outsourcing an attractive option…
Logistics Support
A support team serves customers and partners, stepping in as needed to meet expectations and ensure optimal customer satisfaction through the resolution of various issues. In the e-commerce logistics sector, where interactions are numerous, the support team is indispensable. Discover why!
Future of e-commerce logistics
Logistics is often considered the backbone of any e-commerce business. As consumer demand evolves and technologies advance, companies must adapt to remain competitive.
BtoB & BtoC Logistics
For an e-commerce business, distinguishing between a retail customer (BtoC) and a business customer (BtoB) is paramount. This difference is crucial at all levels, including from a logistical standpoint.
In an ever-evolving sector, understanding the general principles of logistics is not enough; it is also essential to grasp the distinctive nuances between BtoB and BtoC approaches.
Customer return management
If return management is a significant concern in traditional (“brick-and-mortar”) commerce, it is even more so in e-commerce. Indeed, handling customer returns has become a real challenge for e-retailers today (especially as return rates intensify)…
Sustainable Logistics and CSR
Logistics and the environment, two seemingly opposing domains… But not incompatible!
“In 2023, the global logistics chain was responsible for 11% of global greenhouse gas emissions,” according to the latest report from the United Nations. Sustainability is at the heart of discussions. While no industry is exempt, the supply chain is also impacted…